Lottie moon

Lottie Moon Goal: $25,000

Who was Lottie Moon?

Lottie Moon was appointed a Southern Baptist missionary to China from July 7, 1873 to  to 1912.
 She was a bold woman of action and radical obedience who shared Christ with the people of China to the end.
 Lottie died Dec. 24, 1912, leaving a legacy of love and service to her Lord.
Her influence led to the establishment of Woman’s Missionary Union and inspired other missions pioneers to join her on the field. Her passionate letter-writing led to the offering that bears her name today, Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® for International Missions.

100% of the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering enables gospel transformation among the unreached.

What Is The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering?

Growing up in Virginia, Lottie Moon and her siblings chose to rebel against Christianity.
At 18, Lottie followed Christ and was baptized. When she was 33, she sailed to China as a Southern Baptist missionary.
She saw first hand the world’s greatest problem – LOSTNESS.
Meeting so many people who had never heard the gospel compelled her to write letters to American churches describing the need for a greater missionary presence.
In letters to Southern Baptists in America, she pleaded for increasing prayer and giving. Her letters raised more support for missionaries to be sent to China.
Every year, Southern Baptists collect the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® where 100% of the money given sends and support missionaries.

Week of Prayer
December 1 - 8

Southern Baptists observe a Week of Prayer for International Missions each year before the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® emphasis.
Will you join your heart with others to pray for missionaries around the world who are faithfully sharing the gospel?

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