Church Picnic 2024

Reflecting on Our Church-Wide Picnic!

On Sunday, September 8th, 2024 our church family gathered for an afternoon of fun, fellowship, and faith at our Church-Wide Picnic in Curtis Park! It was such a beautiful time of connection with our community as we shared the afternoon under the pavilions by the tennis courts.

After the second service, we grabbed our lawn chairs, packed our lunches, and made our way to the park! Everyone was eager to enjoy the picnic, games, and, of course, the much-anticipated volleyball tournament.

Games Galore!
In addition to the exciting volleyball tournament, we had several other activities that brought everyone together. Cornhole matches offered a bit of friendly competition, while some enjoyed a fun game of badminton. The gaga ball pit was full of energy as kids and adults alike showed off their skills. And we can't forget the intense game of ultimate frisbee that brought our picnic day to a close.
The Gift of Fellowship
The picnic was more than just games and food. It was an opportunity to pause and connect. We enjoyed meaningful conversations, deepened friendships, and even met new faces. There’s something special about sitting outside in God’s creation, sharing a meal, stories, and laughter with one another.

One fun surprise? Jenny, our Children’s Ministry Director, even brought her dogs, which was a big hit with the kids (and the adults, too!). They added to the fun as they happily roamed around meeting everyone.
Thank You!
A huge thank you to the Women's Ministry and everyone who helped make this event possible. From organizing the desserts and games to ensuring everything at the park was set up and ready. Your time and efforts helped create a memorable day for all of us.
Let’s continue to build on this spirit of fellowship and support for one another in the months ahead. If you missed the picnic, don’t worry – there will be plenty more opportunities to gather as a church family!

In Christ,
Jessica Kelley
Director of Media and Communications

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